Charlie And The Boys – Nollywood Movie

DOWNLOAD Charlie And The Boys – Nollywood Movie

Charles Omokwe is released from jail after serving just 13 months of a 7-year prison sentence for a failed heist. Realizing he was betrayed by his employer; he plots his revenge to steal the artifact while staying a step ahead of the law.

Actor: Anaba Wachukwu, Anthony Ebhota Omoze, Erica Bale, Kanayo O Kanayo, Lantana Ahmed, Laraba Hannah Yusuf, Ozioma Onodigbo, Sani Muazu, Seun Ajayi, Tina Mba
Director: Sele Got
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Nollywood, Now Showing, Slider
Release: September 29, 2023

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